Soups and stews

Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul

AKA as the best chicken soup. You must give it a try! Not even joking, I am known as the chicken soup lady in every community I have lived in thus far. Wanna know the secret? You'll have to keep reading for that one. I was trying to get really creative for this one...

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Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

Jerusalem Artichoke Soup

I'm declaring a Soup Week here at Fresh Sabra Headquarters. This third seger actually isn't really effecting my family logistically. Akiva and I are still working/schooling from home, and the girls have regular gan schedules. But I was meant to visit my mama in the...

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Hearty Grain Soup

Hearty Grain Soup

I literally wait all summer long for the end of September to come so that I can start soup season here in our house. I don't care if it's still a million degrees outside. Soup season begins. I love soup in so many ways, it may be a little obsessive. But I particularly...

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About Me

Hi! I’m Liat Buckman, a Real Food Women’s Health Dietitian. After years of restrictive eating, painful periods, low energy, and fertility struggles, I realized conventional medicine wasn’t giving me real solutions. I took matters into my own hands—diving deep into real food nutrition, functional medicine, and blood sugar regulation to heal my body.

Now, as a conventionally trained dietitian in Israel with holistic certifications as an NTP and RWP, I help women uncover the root causes of their hormonal and metabolic struggles using real food and sustainable lifestyle shifts. I also guide women in navigating real food eating in Israel, which is where this entire journey—and my blog—began. Read more >

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