I’m declaring a Soup Week here at Fresh Sabra Headquarters. This third seger actually isn’t really effecting my family logistically. Akiva and I are still working/schooling from home, and the girls have regular gan schedules. But I was meant to visit my mama in the states in a weeks time. The first time I planned on leaving my kids with Akiva. For some much needed mother daughter time. I really just wanted to see my mommy. But not gonna happen. So we’re rolling with it. And eating lots of soup.
Also because final season is approaching. Lab reports, midterms, assignments. They are all in full swing. And the only thing I have time to do is get my kids bathed and into bed before I get back at it all. So dinner prep looks more like this these days: Saturday night I chop a crap load of veggies. Throw them in Tupperwares and ziplocks. Then throw a new combination of veggies together every other night for a different type of soup. Add a prepped grain (also prepped on Motzash) or legume and we’ve got ourselves our dinners for the next foreseeable future.
Last reason. Because I have a soup recipe I have been dying to get out. It’s not out yet, but it is coming later this week. And it’s not your typical format of recipes. It’s so cool and fun, and it’s the yummiest and most comforting of all soups. Can you guess what it is?
So here we go. Fresh Sabra Soup Week has officially begun. Keep checking back for more easy peasy soup recipes throughout the week.